Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Board created

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On Feb. 5, a newly-formed 19-member Student Advisory Board under the direction of the UC Title IX office met in Oakland to discuss ways to generate advice to combat sexual harassment and sexual violence on UC campuses. The advisory board, chosen by officials from the UC Office of the President, is made up of undergraduate and graduate students from all campuses.

Danielle Fasani, a third-year Pharm.D. candidate in pharmacy at UC San Francisco and a member of the advisory board, talked about problems faced by people who experience sexual violence.

“Another thing is changing the perception that people who are accused in this process are somehow at an unfair advantage,” Fasani said. “I think there is this sort of myth going around that anybody can be accused and found guilty for no reason. I think something we can do is bring awareness that — no, it is actually the victims who are the most disadvantaged at every step of the process. It is the victims who need the most protection.”

Read more about it at The California Aggie.