Options for Reporting

There are reporting options available to victims/survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Reporting options include: Criminal, Civil, Administrative, and Non-reporting.

This section provides a brief description of each option. Regardless of which option the survivor chooses the UCSF CARE Advocate can provide free and confidential support as well as an explanation of each reporting option in detail.

Whether or not to report is up to you. Contact the CARE Advocate to better understand your options and rights.

Both civil restraining orders and administrative no-contact directives can be issued to protect those who have a justified fear of threatening conduct.

Mandated Reporters


You should feel free to talk to a trusted friend or colleague. Keep in mind that managers, supervisors and certain employees, such as deans, faculty advisors, teaching assistants and resident advisors are required to report to the Title IX officer.

Your Rights, Reporting Options, and Resources

Rights, Options, and Resources for Survivors.